Start-up Management

Your idea has been born. An innovative technology was developed. You’ve now found a revolutionary new way to meet demand… but how do you bring order into the chaos following your creative “big bang”?

Regardless of whether we are talking about a bricks and mortar business, a bricks and clicks enterprise or pure e-commerce, some questions are always the same: Will the market accept my solution? What competition do I need to reckon with? What infrastructure and resources will I need? How do I finance it all? In short: How can I manage a lean, efficient and successful launch?

Once the first hurdle is cleared, the pace begins to pick up – improving market position, capturing new markets, getting further financing, switching from bootstrapping to regular salaries, creating internal structures that allow for growth, weathering crises and coming out stronger, building up a network that can help support you when in need.

You have an idea that wants to see the light of day and you need the relevant know-how for founding your company? You’re planning an expansion of your enterprise into new markets? You’re looking for an experienced co-founder with a sixth sense for markets, a healthy dose of pragmatism in working towards goals and an optimistic disposition in day-to-day business?

I know every trick in the book when it comes to markets and I would like to found, to get on board, to build up, to grow! The conditions for our cooperation and participation opportunities is something we agree on together to best meet your needs.

Your benefits

  • Extensive experience in setting up start-up companies and in expanding business areas
  • Sound judgment and the ability to apply the necessary measures in all stages of a company’s development
  • Tried and tested in crisis management
  • Backed up by a large network of entrepreneurs, investors, and service providers in a wide range of fields